Acxential Business solutions

Simplifying Technology for Your Business

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Website and Email Hosting

Website and Email Hosting

Websites are increasingly becoming an important means of communication between companies. Acxential understands this and provides reliable website hosting services. Whether you have a simple business card site or a complete E-Commerce solution, Acxential can meet your hosting needs.

Likewise, Email is an essential part of business communication. Trust your essential email communications to the email hosting professionals. Whether you need a complete Exchange Solution, advanced messaging, dedicated servers or a simple email solution, Acxential has the answer for you


Dedicated Server Hosting

Have an application that requires an independent server and needs to be available to the Internet 24x7?  We can provide a complete server or manage your rack-mountable server in our data center.  You have complete control over the server, but have the peace of mind that the server is in a secure, "always available" environment complete with "remote hands" support.



Protect yourself and your computer from harmful and spam emails!  Our MailAssurancetm email filter blocks over 99% of unwanted / unsolicited email before it ever gets to your Inbox.  MailAssurance comes standard on all of our Web and Email Hosting products, or can be purchased independently for customers with their own internal mail server.  You can run this with the default settings or adjust the settings for your domain.


Contact Us by Phone

Dallas / Fort Worth: 214-393-6420
Toll Free: 866-557-9459

News Flash

What is the advantage of a Hosted PBX?  We recently visited a company with a private, in-house phone system.  Unfortunately, at the time their Internet and voice service from the local carrier was down - therefore they had no means of receiving calls from their customers.  Interestingly, their website is hosted in a remote data center;  why?  Because it provided redundancy and they considered their website as "mission critical."  However, their website simply drove customers and prospects to call them - but their phone service was out.  So what is "mission critical?"  With our hosted phone service, we offer "5-nines" reliability (99.99999% uptime) with redundant voice and data paths - greatly reducing the potential of having your phone system down.  With this service, if your local data is out, you can easily reroute calls via your cell phone with a single call to your Acxential helpdesk and your customers will never know you are "down."  What is the value of that reliability?  Never be down AND out!  Call us at 214-393-6420 to find out how you can beneift from this low-cost, high reliability solution!